October 7, 2022
If you look closely at the original dates of previous posts, you’ll notice…it’s been a while! So…what’s been going on? Well, I finished my PhD (Whew! and Finally!!), helped someone edit their book, moved part way across the country (absolutely LOVING Colorado!), have an amazing boyfriend, migrated my website and blog (2x) to a new host and server (thus newer blog posting dates), and have been working on a number of book drafts – both fiction and non-fiction. Fiction: Sequels to the Realm and 2108, an adult picture book, and a super fun, action-romance novel for adults. Non-fiction: a book and video series on empowering children and youth. Which to publish first?!
As I settle in to my beautiful new surroundings, explore the back roads with my boyfriend, find new coffee shops to write in, new people to bounce ideas off of, and hopefully one day finish getting my office completely unboxed…I’m pushing forward, into a new season of…getting more books out to you all! Stay tuned, and don’t give up hope!!
As a side note…I have a feeling future novels may include a lot more small town, rural and wooded settings, mines, mills, old railroad tracks, trains, antique shops, and a smattering of bluegrass music. You can thank Colorado...and my boyfriend...for definitely having an impact on me! You’ve been warned!